Express & Star

Children and teachers devastated as vandals damage primary school play area

Children, staff and parents at a school in Penkridge were left devastated after vandals damaged sheds and equipment in an outdoor play area.

St Michael's First School, Penkridge. Photo: Google

A member of staff discovered the damage - estimated to cost around £2,500 - for early years children at St Michael’s CE Aided First School.

The vandals are thought to have struck on Friday, January 7, and forced open the sheds and damaged play equipment.

Police are investigating the incident.

As soon as the damage was discovered a kind-hearted parent set up a JustGiving page. As of Sunday morning £2,067 had been raised to replace the damaged items.

Zoe Cahalan, headteacher of the school which has 180 pupils, aged from three to nine years old, said: “After the damage was discovered the children had no access to those areas.

“Some equipment was damaged and some went missing but I am absolutely overwhelmed by the response from parents and well-wishers.

“We do not yet know the total cost involved as the damage has to be properly assessed.

“However, the area is now back in use but the sheds which were broken open need replacing.

“Class teachers and parents have spoken to the children about what has happened.

“We are a Christian school and respect is very much part of our ethos.”

In a letter to parents, the headteacher thanked them for their support and donations to the fundraising page.

Mrs Cahalan also asked that anyone who finds PE equipment in the village to return it to the school.