Express & Star

Santa Claus and Aston Villa stars help Lichfield man on road to Covid recovery

Past and present Aston Villa footballers have answered a family's appeal to bring cheer to a man with Down Syndrome who is now recovering from Covid-19.

Kirk and his partner Susie with Santa, friends and family

Santa and his elves have also visited Kirk Davies, aged 40, from Lichfield, who is a keen supporter of Aston Villa and loves Christmas.

After being admitted to the intensive care unit at Queen's Hospital in Burton-on-Trent at the beginning of November, Kirk managed to beat coronavirus and is now recovering at home.

To cheer him and speed his recovery, his family made a social media appeal to Villa players to send him Christmas wishes.

Villa captain Tyrone Mings, former England player Richard O'Kelly, former Villa coach Ian Taylor, and former Villa player Shaun Teale have all sent Christmas cards to help Kirk's recovery.

Gordon Cowans, former England player and coach, visited Kirk at home to present him with a Christmas gift.

Kirk is well-known in Lichfield where he collects glasses at The Acorn pub, where he is hoping to return to work in the New Year.

His future sister-in-law Joanne Bean, aged 42, said: "We were told that Kirk had survived because he had been double vaccinated so I would urge everyone to take the jabs.

"Kirk is an Aston Villa super-fan and Chloe Fernyhough, a family friend, suggested starting a Christmas card appeal on social media.

"We are delighted by the cards he has received and he is hoping for more from past and present players.

"As a family we decided to help keep Kirk on the road to recovery through the appeal.

"He is due to marry my sister, Susie Bean, aged 40, next year at Villa Park.

"Susie has Cerebral Palsy and learning difficulties and did not walk until she was seven years old but has gone on to achieve such a lot.

"Kirk just loves Villa, Santa Claus and Christmas and so the appeal combines all of these to help him recover."