Crackdown on shoplifting launched in Lichfield
A successful campaign to crack down on shoplifting in Lichfield is being staged again in the run-up to Christmas.

PCSO Jenna Gibbons from the Lichfield Local Policing Team led Operation Citadel which initially ran from June to August and saw detection rates soar from 38 per cent to 80 per cent.
Due to the success of the initiative, Lichfield LPT is running the operation again in the run up to Christmas.
Jenna said: “I decided to launch Operation Citadel in response to an increase in shoplifting in Lichfield city centre. One particular store was being subject to shoplifters every day of the week. We targeted the major stores at specific times and dates, and focused on the train station due to many offenders arriving by rail.
“The operation was supported by our Lichfield Neighbourhood teams, British Transport Police, Special Constabulary and CCTV. During the campaign there was a significant reduction in thefts and we saw a 22 per cent drop in shoplifting offences in Lichfield. We are now running the operation throughout the festive period and will be targeting offenders.”
The operation ties in with Lichfield Townsafe, an initiative funded by the Lichfield Business Improvement District (BID) which aims to reduce business crime in the city centre.
If an offender is caught and successfully prosecuted a civil exclusion is issued to them banning them from all member premises for at least twelve months. For minor offences a warning letter is sent to inform them that if they offend again they will be banned.