Express & Star

Transport scheme to move into final phase

A regeneration project to improve roads and routes for cycling and walking in Cannock town centre will move into its final phase on April 8.

Last updated
Beecroft Road roundabout. Photo: Google

This will see work carried out on and around Beecroft Road roundabout, including A34 Ringway and Park Lane.

Improvements will include installing a new road surface, new pedestrian guard rails, kerbs and footway repairs.

The scheme is set to be completed by April 26.

It follows the completion of work to create new shared cycle routes, upgraded crossing points and widened footways in Church Street and Ringway, as well as a new link from Allport Road to Beecroft Road car park.

The scheme complements the wider regeneration plans for the town.

All work on the Beecroft Road roundabout phase will take place overnight between 7.30pm to 6am to minimise disruption.

During these times, the A34 will be reduced to one lane in each direction. Overnight closures will also be needed on Park Road and Beecroft Road during the works period.

The works will begin after National Grid has completed installing a new power supply to Cannock hospital on April 5.

A total of £400,000 is being invested in the project thanks to an allocation from the Government’s Levelling Up Fund 2 (LUF2).

This follows a successful bid by the county council to the national programme. Funding has to be spent for specific improvements set out in the bid and cannot be used for general road repairs or maintenance.

People travelling through Cannock town centre while work is taking place are being advised to allow additional journey time.

Staffordshire County Council’s assistant director for highways James Bailey said: "This scheme is complementing the wider regeneration of Cannock town centre – improving its roads and creating new routes for cyclists and pedestrians.

"We know there has been considerable disruption since works began in January and would again like to thank people for their patience and understanding. By carrying out the next phase of works overnight, we aim to keep disruption to a minimum."

The LUF2 allocation is also supporting an increased frequency of buses on the 74 and 75 Cannock to Stafford service, with new electric vehicles set to be introduced on the routes.

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