Express & Star

Residents and councillors team up for nature project

A community near Stafford has teamed up with councillors and a wildlife charity to make their last green recreation area more nature-friendly.

Litter pickers are the Doxey green space. Photo: Sue Kneill-Boxley

Wildflower areas are being created and trees will be planted on the land at the back of Doxey School to improve it for people and wildlife alike.

A steering group overseeing the project is being run by residents with support from Doxey Parish Council, Doxey School, Doxey Church, Stafford Borough Council, Stafford Castle Rotarians, Staffordshire Police and borough and county councillors Tony Pearce and Mark Winnington. They are also being assisted by Staffordshire Wildlife Trust through the Next Door Nature project.

Residents recently joined forces with Colas and Chevron Green to carry out a litter pick on the site in preparation for the work to be carried out by the two firms. They are clearing paths and creating areas for wildflower seeds to be sown and trees to be planted.

Councillor Pearce, who chairs the group, said, “This is an exciting project which will bring benefit both for wildlife and the people of Doxey. We are very grateful to all the agencies that are helping with this but, on this occasion, especially Colas and Chevron Green.”

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