Express & Star

New concrete plant can extend operating hours despite objections

A new concrete plant can extend its operating hours to meet demand for overnight construction work despite objections from residents and community leaders.

The farmland that could become a quarry. Photo: Google

Controversial plans for the new quarry on farmland to the south of the A513 near Orgreave and Alrewas were narrowly approved by county councillors in July 2021.

More than 660 people objected to the Pyford Brook quarry, where sand and gravel is to be extracted to help meet the demand for concrete from the first phase of HS2. The application was approved subject to conditions including Cemex seeking prior written approval on occasions when the concrete plant would need to operate during extended hours.

Staffordshire County Council has since received requests for extended operating hours at Pyford Brook Quary and Weeford Quarry off the A38 at Weeford. The latter application was approved by council officers as there were no objections, but the Pyford Brook Quarry proposals were opposed by Lichfield District Council and Alrewas Parish Council.

On Thursday (June 8) Staffordshire County Council’s planning committee considered the request for the site near Alrewas, which had been recommended for approval by officers. A report to the committee said: “The proposed HS2 works to be supplied with concrete from the quarry will take place to the north of Streethay, about 4.4 miles to the south by road.

“The proposed extended operating hours for the concrete plant, export of concrete and import of cement are requested from 1 May to 31 July 2023 but during that time, it is likely that the supply of concrete during extended hours would only be required for six weeks in total. HGV movements will be within the existing limits that lorry movements should not exceed 170 movements within a 24-hour period Monday to Friday, 86 movements on Saturdays and 17 during each evening and night-time period.

“It is proposed that if this request is approved, then the movements on Saturdays could be spread across the day (8am-6pm). In addition, as there are no restrictions on vehicle movements on Sunday daytimes, it is proposed that these could be the same as Saturdays, i.e., 86 movements spread across the day (8am-6pm) and Sunday evenings (6pm-8am) would be covered by the limit of 17 movements as this restriction does not specify any days of the week.”

Stuart Threlfall, who spoke in objection to the latest application at Thursday’s meeting, said: “Hopefully you can recall how strongly the local community were against this site. This site does not yet have an entrance on the road or have any deliveries in and out and is still in construction – it has not produced any sand, gravel or concrete.

“As a community we want to see how this site will operate and we do not know if any problems will arise. We are keen to review the noise, dust, water levels in Pyford Brook, traffic numbers and control, wheel cleaning, hedge relocation and vehicle bleeping but have not yet been able to do so.

“Things happen on a new site that have to be corrected, therefore it is right that the site operates at its commencement in normal working hours so we can more easily respond to any errors should they occur. We are fully aware within the approved planning application that there is anticipation that 24/7 working may be needed for the HS2 works, however we strongly object to this being implemented at the first operation of a brand new site.

“We do realise that HS2 will need concrete however this world does not revolve around them. This area is being severely blighted by HS2 and other construction projects and this has been made even worse by the delay of Phase 2a, meaning we will be subject to even longer, more drawn-out disruption to our lives.”

Emma Pearman, who spoke in support of the application, said: “At the present time the plant site is almost ready, with the processing plant almost built, the access road built internally as far as possible and most of the bunds in place. Once the soil is stripped from the first phases the remaining bunds will be constructed.

“As part of the original application, Cemex applied for 24-hour working and we explained this would be necessary at times to supply concrete to the HS2 project out of hours. The appropriate night time noise levels were fully tested and agreed and Cemex have agreed to undertake an additional period of night time noise monitoring once out of hours working commences to ensure we are in compliance with the limits already agreed.

“Cemex also have a concrete plant at Weeford which is also part of the supply chain for HS2, with the two plants being the northernmost plants along the route and supply chain for Phase 1. The out of hours night time works are taking place between the two sites close to Streethay, as such these two plants are the closest to the works so supplying from here limits the HGV distances on the road and subsequent emissions.

“Both plants are required for these works, given the amount of concrete required, limits on the plants in terms of HGV movements overnight and for flexibility and back-up purposes in case there is a problem with one of them. Cemex understands that it is unfortunate timing that we may start and go straight into 24-hour production, however we have been working to agree the agreement for the highway works with county highways for over a year and this has only just been resolved, with the works now programmed in to create the main access onto the A513 in the last two weeks of June.”

Committee member and Lichfield District councillor Richard Cox proposed that the application be refused because of its impact on residents, highway safety and noise as well as environmental health issues. He said: “My conclusion is this application is premature.

“We have not seen any activities, other than construction of the site, and we have not seen any production. We are not in a situation to monitor properly what is going on.”

Councillor Paul Snape, who seconded the proposal, said: “On the last occasion it was a very close vote. Had it been for 24/7 working I don’t think it would have gone through.”

But the proposal to reject the application for the extended operating hours failed to gain enough support from fellow committee members, with four voting for refusal and seven against. The application went on to be passed by six votes to four.

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