Express & Star

Department store takes inspiration from Shropshire grower's gold medal winning rose with stunning display

A gold medal winning rose by a renowned Shropshire grower has proven a hit with John Lewis shoppers in Chelsea.


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The Emma Bridgewater rose, part of its gold medal winning display at the 2024 Chelsea Flower Show, was unveiled by David Austin Roses from Albrighton on Monday.

The display at the Peter Jones John Lewis store

The rose is named after iconic potter Emma Bridgewater and secured the Shropshire rose breeder its 28th gold medal from the prestigious flower show, but is also proving popular with the Chelsea branch of John Lewis.

The department store near to the flower show, 'Peter Jones and Partners', has created its 'most extravagant and challenging window display in the branch’s history', featuring the David Austin roses.

The display at the Peter Jones John Lewis store

Window dressers worked into the small hours of this morning to pull off a display using 2,500 flower stems, plants and herbs - with the Emma Bridgewater rose a main feature of the display.

Peter Jones will also be the only retailer to sell Emma Bridgewater’s new collection of pottery this week, each adorned with or inspired by the new rose. The collection includes mugs and tea towels.

It will be available on from May 27.

Dominic Joyce, head of branch at Peter Jones, said: “The Chelsea Flower Show is the Christmas of summer. The atmosphere is incredible and, being in the heart of Chelsea, we attract tens of thousands more visitors during that week alone.

“This year, our team certainly rose to the occasion and we’re going bigger than ever to entertain our customers - from our beautiful floral display featuring a world-exclusive rose, to exciting events and discounts.”

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