Express & Star

Bridgnorth toilet blocks hit by vandals with toilets blocked and facility 'destroyed beyond repair'

Both sets of council-run public toilets in Bridgnorth have been targeted by vandals, the town council said.

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Listley Street toilets in Bridgnorth (Photo: Google StreetView)

Bridgnorth Town Council said the public toilets in Listley Street were vandalised and put out of action last weekend and have now been repaired.

In a statement, the council said: "Unfortunately, the toilets at Listley Street were considerably vandalised over the weekend where the toilets were deliberately blocked with random items and this required a specialist drain company to unblock and remove these items and repair the damage caused.

"This work was completed on Monday. The toilets have daily inspections at regular intervals. Further enquiries have been made with the contractor to ensure the facilities are maintained."

The town council said the public toilets at Innage Lane have also been closed due to "continued" vandalism.

The council said: "A single concealed unit was installed at Innage Lane some years ago, but the systematic and continued vandalism has destroyed the unit beyond repair and this has affected the integrity of the building, therefore will remain closed for some time.

"The town council would like to encourage members of the public and visitors to contact the town council direct if they have any problems or concerns they wish to raise regarding the public toilets the town council are responsible for.

"To contact us please either use the email address or telephone the town council offices on 01746 762231."

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