Express & Star

Cliff Railway boss gives update on when attraction should reopen

The beleaguered Bridgnorth Cliff Railway could be back up and running in the next two weeks, its owner has said, after preparations to get the attraction back on track are close to being finalised.

Bridgnorth Cliff Railway

Malvern Tipping, said he is currently re-hiring his staff and if all goes to plan the funicular train could be running in two weeks time.

Bridgnorth Cliff Railway was closed in December 2022 after a damaged retaining wall was discovered to pose a health and safety risk.

The wall affecting the Cliff Railway has now been repaired by Bridgnorth Town Council, and Mr Tipping says preparations are being finalised that should see the attraction making the trip from Low Town to High Town in the next fortnight.

He said: "I collected copies of the staff contracts of employment from the printer in Halesworth, Suffolk on Tuesday. I thought that as we would be welcoming old faces back to the Cliff Railway, it was be a pleasant gesture for me to sign those in person.

"Our general manager is now in the process of inviting all returning members of staff in for a discussion and to sign their contracts of employment. I have asked that we waive the usual trial period of employment, because I think that asking old faces to work a trial period would be disrespectful to them.

"Once returning staff have signed their contracts of employment, they will be able to return for a period of training.

"We are aiming to open within three weeks, but it could end up being in only a fortnight’s time," he said.

He added that the Cliff Railway has been tested and was "running smoothly" but that he hopes to repaint the carriages before its reopening this month.

He said: "Our returning members of staff call in at the Cliff Railway on a daily basis and are biting at the bit to return. We very much look forward to welcoming passengers back and are pleased that it will be before the tourist season commences, because we are sure that this will give many local businesses the boost that they need."