Express & Star

Fly-tippers block village lane

Police have been informed after fly-tippers blocked a country lane just outside Bridgnorth.

The fly-tipped rubbish

Morville Parish Council said the waste was dumped on Underton Lane on Wednesday morning.

The fly-tippers dumped a containers of sawdust, a Christmas tree, and assorted domestic rubbish that had blocked the road and made it impassable.

Warning villagers to avoid Underton Lane, Morville Parish Council said: "Avoid Underton Lane - it is blocked and impassable.

"Someone has dumped this in the road, early this morning - a plastic container of sawdust from logs cut with a chainsaw, a Christmas tree, and another IBC container of assorted domestic rubbish, which includes a quantity of dog food tins and aerosol cans....we have notified Shropshire Council, and the police."

West Mercia Police has been approached for comment.

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