Express & Star

We went to Westminster Road to chat to locals about the General Election – this is what they had to say

The upcoming General Election is one which could see a massive shift in how the country is governed.

Last updated
Stuart Stanley said the biggest issue was illegal immigration

For many people, the election could mean changes in taxes, immigration, cost of living standards and many other areas which affect people and their every day lives.

West Bromwich is one of the constituencies which has already seen a change, with a change in the Parliamentary boundaries meaning a singular West Bromwich seat will be contested, having seen West Bromwich East and West Bromwich West contested at the 2019 election.

The effects of the election and the candidates who get elected will be felt on roads such as Westminster Road, set in an area on the outskirts of the town centre with schools, shops and lots of housing.

For those people living, working and shopping on the road, the upcoming election was either a time for change or more of the same, with a few saying they didn't feel much would change.

Martin Pearce spoke of not being particularly politically minded

Martin Pearce from Wednesbury had been to get some supplies from Oscott Pets at the top of the road, but the 60-year-old said he wasn't particularly interested in the election as he felt it would be the same whoever won.

He said: "I'm not really interested in it all as whoever gets in, it will just be more of the same and I don't know what issues are particularly affecting me at the moment as I'm not politically minded.

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