Express & Star

'I'm starting to hate my insect ridden council home that's full of issues and unfit to live in'

A pensioner has claimed she wakes up with insects 'crawling all over' her as a result of a council bungalow she has been forced to live in - saying she accepted it without knowing 'all of the issues it had'.

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Sedgley local Joy Susan Montgomery, 76, moved into her home in March after living in rented property with a partner who she'd since broken up with. She applied for a council property as the relationship ended.

At the time, she claims her GP wrote a letter to the council suggesting a bungalow with a garden would be best to help with anxiety.

But soon after moving in, Joy started to notice 'issue after issue' including a hole in her roof which leaks water into her home and all over her furniture, which has had to be temporally covered and drained while the issue is dealt with.

Joy Montgomery

Six months later the issue remains, which has left Joy in a constant agonising state of stress. She says her home has become 'infested with insects' and that she has a growing 'hatred' for the home as she is unable to even decorate the place which, she says, she is expected to live in for a further two years.

Joy claims that Dudley Council - while doing what it can to resolve the issue - said she can't be re-homed because she 'looked at the home and accepted it'.

But Joy, who said she had a 'quick look' before opting for it, claims she could not have known about the hole or the boiler and is now forced to spend as much time as she can with her family in Coventry as she 'dreads' waking up in he own bed.

Image: Express & Star