Express & Star

Police slam hate campaign by Dudley businessman as 'classic case of domestic abuse'

Police have labelled the actions of a businessman who waged a hate campaign against his ex-partner as ‘a classic case of domestic abuse’.

Robert McNaughton

Robert McNaughton was jailed for five years on Friday for waging the campaign – which culminated in a petrol bomb being thrown at her car.

He had denied being behind fake Facebook accounts which were set up to troll the 44-year-old woman during a six-month harassment campaign.

However, police charged 51-year-old McNaughton, of Tenter Drive, Halesowen, with conspiracy to commit arson and harassment and he was found guilty after a trial at Wolverhampton Crown Court.

On Friday he was jailed for five years at the court.

Sgt Chris Jones said last night: "McNaughton was a successful local business man who could not handle being rejected and became hell bent on destroying his ex-partners life.

"She was in total fear and we knew that we needed to stop the person responsible.

"This was a classic case of domestic abuse, he wanted to control his ex and used fear to do that.

"Domestic abuse comes in many forms and if you are suffering physical, sexual, psychological, emotional or financial abuse or are being threatened or intimidated in your home by a current or previous partner or adult family member you are a victim of domestic abuse.

"You may be feeling frightened, isolated, ashamed and confused.

"Remember you are not to blame for what is happening. You are not alone, and above all you do not have to suffer in silence - help is available.

"We are pleased that the jury saw through his lies and that he has now been sent to jail.

"We hope that this offers some comfort to the victim and we commend her bravery for coming forward in what has been a long and successful investigation."

The court heard that McNaughton's ex-partner had spurned his attempts at a reconciliation. He was unable to deal with the rejection and launched a systematic hate campaign.

During December 2014 and February 2015 he bombarded her with abusive Facebook messages, threatening to release intimate images.

But he was not content with simply terrorising her by social media and hired two men, Matthew Barker and Joden Smith, to carry out a string of attacks on her home, culminating in February 2015 with her car being set on fire.

Prior to the start of McNaughton's trial, Matthew Barker, aged 42 from Leicester, pleaded guilty to a charge of conspiracy to commit criminal damage, while 20-year-old Joden Smith, also from Leicester, admitted the conspiracy to commit criminal damage and arson, recklessy endangering life.

Barker was jailed for 43 months and Smith was sent to a young offenders' institute for four years.