Express & Star

Horror after bones were dug-up in Coseley

Concerned mums and residents have taken to Facebook to express their “horror” at exposed bones and skulls left in a public right of way by badgers.

Bones and bits of casket dug up by the badgers

Bones, skulls and coffin handles have been discovered in the alleyway connecting Elmdale Road and Hospital Lane in Coseley.

This is despite Dudley Council’s claim that the right of way is now “closed” but access is still available. Now a Facebook group for residents of Coseley called the episode a “nightmare” and expressed concern for the safety of children and the remains of their loved ones.

One user said: “Can they not be moved to somewhere else? It’s not fair on the relatives of those resting nor is it fair on those who find the bones in their gardens!

“Especially if it’s a young family. I live on Hospital Lane with young children, I don’t fancy waking up to something like that as I’m sure the rest of us don’t!

“People won’t want to exchange or buy a house down this street with that in the view when they wake up each morning!

“Nor will they want to risk the wildlife bringing remains into their gardens. Can’t the council do something? Surely wildlife digging up human remains is reason enough!!

“I mean, would they like it if their family member was dug up? The graveyard is horrendous!”

Another user said the incident made her “feel sick”. She said: “I have relatives buried up there and I’m sure their graves are near the back close to the boundary.

“I was a child last time I was there burying my granddad. It makes me feel sick to think my grandparent’s remains could have been dug up.

“I’d love nothing more than to lay flowers on their graves and pay my respects properly. It’s disgusting how the church and the council have allowed the graveyard to be locked for so many years if they won’t do anything.”

Other users rushed to add their sympathies but expressed despair at the lack of council action. One lady said “I feel for you, it is like something out of a horror film! It would freak me out.

“If you don’t like seeing human bones, don’t click on the link, it’s a bit gory for a local paper to be honest. I really feel for local residents having to live with this, but I can’t see the council or the church doing anything unless pushed, and hard.”

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