Express & Star

'We're looking at democracy!' New MP joins calls to save under-threat adventure centre

The new MP for Dudley has joined calls for people to sign a petition to help stop the closure of a community activity centre.

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Sonia Kumar said the potential loss of Sycamore Adventure in Upper Gornal would have a detrimental effect on young people at a time when it was important to keep them active physically and mentally.

She said: "It would have a negative effect, especially at a time when we have childhood obesity at such a high and we need to be thinking about how we can keep children in Dudley active as that can help them with their mental wellbeing, so I'm against any type of closure.

"With the petition, I think we're looking at democracy and we respect democracy and, as a politician, any petitions that come forward towards us, whether we're legislating them or they're being sent to us, are important and part of democracy and I would advocate for anyone to express their opinions as they feel."

The comments from Ms Kumar come following the launch of the petition, which has already gathered more than 2,000 signatures, to garner public support for the activity centre, which has been earmarked for possible closure in March 2025 alongside Astley Burf Outdoor Activity Centre in Stourport.

The borough’s deputy leader, Councillor Paul Bradley, has given the go-ahead for Challenge Kit Ltd to look at options including outsourcing services to improve financial sustainability as soon as possible, with closure not being ruled out if a solution cannot be found.

Sonia Kumar said the potential loss of the centre would have a detrimental effect of young people's health and wellbeing

The organiser of the petition, Donna Flurry-Haddock, said the potential loss of the centre would be a huge blow to the charity, staff, volunteers and families and spoke about what the centre meant to the community.