Express & Star

'Disabled people and carers are being forgotten in election debate'

Disabled people are being ignored and a new government will make no difference, according to activists in Dudley.

Left to right: Ken McClymont, Tracy McClymont and Leanne Shakespeare have shared their concerns

The shocking claim was made as candidates prepared for the final week of general election campaigning amid allegations that disability issues have been ignored.

Sedgley couple Ken and Tracy McClymont and carer Leanne Shakespeare from Kingswinford, shared their concerns with the Local Democracy Reporting Service.

Ken, aged 63, said: “The main two parties have virtually failed to mention disability or caring, it is worse than disappointing, they seem to ignore us.”

Left to right: Ken McClymont, Tracy McClymont and Leanne Shakespeare have shared their concerns

Leanne, who is a carer for her adult son who has special needs and has another adult son with special needs in assisted living, says she feels pushed to one side by the state.

The 50-year-old who is a self-employed travel agent, said: “I feel bullied, if I could go and live abroad I would.

“I have got fibromyalgia, I’m not ashamed of it. I applied for 100 jobs but they weren’t interested because I ticked the box for disability, so I have had to do it for myself.

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