Express & Star

Housing staff complete school's 21 acts of kindness challenge

KIND-hearted housing staff have helped spread a little joy after rising to a compassionate challenge.

Children form the student council with Councillor Simon Hackett and Kerry Whitehouse, School Engagement Development Manager

Staff at Black Country Housing Group took part in the '21 Acts of Kindness' initiative launched by Rowley Regis school students.

It comes after youngsters at St. Michaels Church of England High School pledged to brighten people's days by carrying out acts of kindness across the region.

Amanda Tomlinson, chief executive of Black Country Housing Group, said: "Carrying out an act of kindness has been proven to be great for your own mental health and wellbeing.

"As well as others benefitting from your kindness, doing something for 21 days has also been said to then become a habit in your lifestyle.”

The team at the social housing association have been carrying out one kind act each day to tick off their stamp card as part of the #21AOK challenge.

Staff gathered and donated 73kg of food and 8kg of non-food items for a foodbank, which was the equivalent of feeding three families or ten people.

A total of 11 bags of work clothes was also handed to charity Suited for Success, which supports unemployed and homeless people looking for work.

The team is now preparing to carry out more acts of kindness during Stress Awareness Month in April by arranging events and activities.

Kerry Whitehouse, school engagement development manager, said: "“The #21AOK initiative promotes kindness and positive mental health which is so important in today's society.

"We are often surrounded by negative news stories and can sometimes forget how simple gestures can make a huge difference to someone else's day.

"Our students are passionate ambassadors of this campaign which we hope will have a ripple effect across the country.”

Young people at the Curral Road school launched the initiative as part of their 21st Century Child project, highlighting issues faced by teenagers.

They were challenged to carry out 21 acts of kindness in the hope that it would become a daily habit.