Express & Star

Mother orders Nintendo Switch – but receives box of Daz washing powder

A hardworking mum was left shocked after she claims she ordered a £300 games console for her kids on Cyber Monday – only to receive a box of Daz washing powder instead.

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Mother orders Nintendo Switch – but receives box of Daz washing powder

Paediatric nurse Charlotte Moore, 30, claims she ordered the Nintendo Switch for £301.99 from Amazon as her six-year-old son’s Christmas present.

When the parcel arrived the mother-of-two, from Dudley, did not suspect anything as the box was suitably heavy.

But after getting an urge to check on the package and make sure all was in order, Charlotte says she had a shock – claiming her son's dream console had been switched with a £4 box of Daz washing powder.

Charlotte said: “It’s really put a dampener on our Christmas and it’s the one thing my son really wanted – he didn’t ask for anything else and really has his heart set on it.

“I ordered the Nintendo Switch as a Christmas surprise for my son and daughter.

“I’d prepared for its arrival and made sure that the kids were already in bed when it came.

"I quickly opened the door and took the parcel in, and it felt heavy so I didn’t think anything of it.

“I was originally going to leave it in the box, because I thought the kids would be less likely to peep if they knew they couldn’t get in.

“But something told me I should have a look and inside it was a big box of Daz.

"I was completely shocked and horrified."

That evening Charlotte contacted Amazon to try and find out what had happened.

At first she was concerned they had sent her the wrong product but her heart sank when, after being asked to check the packaging, she discovered the box had been cut open and taped back together.

Charlotte says the Nintendo Switch's popularity means stocks have run out and Amazon cannot provide her with a replacement.

The family have now missed out on the Cyber Monday deal and the family are faced with the prospect of having to fork out more for the console.

She said: “They were quite helpful. They asked me about the washing detergent I’d received.

“They also asked me if the packaging had been tampered with and initially I said no, but after I had another look and turned the box upside down I could see that the black amazon tape had been sliced open and resealed with clear sellotape.

“Amazon said they were going to investigate, but have been in contact with me to say the items are now out of stock so we can’t get a replacement.

“We’ll hopefully get the money back, but we bought it on Cyber Monday so we won’t get as good of a deal.

“I’m really disappointed because it’s the only thing he’s after – every time we pass one in a shop he rushes to try it out.

“I wanted to highlight to everyone receiving packages over the Christmas period to check the packaging on arrival.

"Hopefully this will prevent other families going through the disappointment we now have as a family to find a replacement.”

An Amazon spokesman said: "We have replaced the Switch and apologised."