Express & Star

Dudley teenagers praised by police for helping to find missing girl

Two teenage boys have received a police award after helping officers to track down a missing girl in Dudley.

Jack Goodman (left) and Louis Price, with Chief Constable Dave Thompson

Jack Goodman and Louis Price led officers to the vulnerable 15-year-old who was hidden within the woodland of Wrens Nest Nature Reserve.

The pair - who were both aged 13 at the time - had called police to raise concerns for the girl after spotting her on September 26 last year.

Officers were on their way to the nature reserve as part of the missing person investigation when the call came in and the boys offered to meet them at the entrance.

Jack and Louis then helped guide the officers in tricky conditions - across wet shrubland and fading light - so the girl could be found as soon as possible.

The distressed missing teenager was found at one of the highest points of the nature reserve and in need of medical treatment.

The boys offered to meet paramedics at the entrance so no-one got lost and there was no delay in offering her assistance on the cold evening.

The teenagers from Dudley have been recognised for their maturity, understanding and compassion by each receiving the Chief Constable’s Young Persons Award.

Chf Supt Richard Fisher, from Dudley Police, said: "Without the help of Jack and Louis it would have taken considerable and specialist resources to find this vulnerable girl.

“These two conscientious young men not only recognised someone in distress and needing help but contacted the emergency services and then stayed to offer help.

"The boys showed maturity beyond their years and were also concerned for the welfare of officers in the difficult conditions.

"Their actions went above and beyond just reporting an incident and enabled us to get to a vulnerable person as quickly as possible."