Express & Star

West Midlands Police officer sacked over transgender discrimination

A police officer has been sacked after a misconduct hearing found he had made inappropriate comments and behaviour towards a transgender officer.

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West Midlands Police confirmed that Sergeant Andrew Grant had been dismissed following the hearing on June 20.

It found that he had made inappropriate and discriminatory comments and behaviour towards a transgender officer and had brought discredit on the police service.

Deputy Chief Constable Scott Green said the public expected the highest standard of professionalism from officers and the force was determined to hold to account anyone who breached those standards.

He said: "A sergeant was dismissed on June 20 following a misconduct hearing.

“It was found that the officer breached the professional standards following inappropriate and discriminatory comments and behaviour made towards a transgender officer.

“His actions were totally inappropriate and he has brought discredit on the police service.

“The public quite rightly expect the highest standard of professionalism from our officers and staff and we are determined to ensure that those who breach these standards are held to account.”

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