Snobs’ owner to open outdoor venue in Birmingham city centre
The man behind Birmingham's iconic Snobs nightclub has been granted permission to open a new outdoor venue in the city centre.

Put before the council’s licensing committee, the application by Nightscene Limited will see an area of Hurst Street and Ladywell Walk become a venue for films, live music, recorded music, performances of dance and more. Alcohol can also be served.
The application risked being scuppered by objections from Environmental Health, which claimed that another venue in such a busy area would only add to the ‘intrusive noise’ and ‘disturb local residents’.
However, the application has now been approved by the committee, which stated in its decision that “the members did not consider that there was any evidential or causal link to any risk of an increase in crime, disorder and antisocial behaviour,” from the application.
Writing to the council’s licensing committee, Wayne Tracey, who first purchased Snobs in 2002 before later purchasing a number of other venues, said he had gained an ‘understanding’ of the Southside area since Snobs’ relocation there in 2014.
And he asked the committee to look upon the application favourably, emphasising the importance of outdoor spaces in the current climate.
"To operate my venues successfully I have brought together a hard-working, professional team from management to cleaners," he said.
"There is more growth to be had with all premises and I strive to put in place new ideas. During the Covid-19 epidemic which has decimated the licensing trade I have worked hard to open my venues in a restricted capacity, following guidelines and have been in receipt of excellent reviews.
"Having spent six years in and around the Southside where Snobs is located, I have grown to know and gain understanding of the area. Having seen the area decline in certain aspects, I have spoken to various people including Southside BID, Southside pub watch, the Hippodrome and other bar operators.
"I see this as an opportunity for me to invest in the area alongside Snobs, Sobar and Etiquette. In current circumstances with Covid-19 optimising the use of outdoor space I feel will bring benefit to the area and surrounding businesses. This will be offered in various forms including live music events and entertainment, the costs of which will be absorbed by myself.
"Running across a limited number of bank holiday weekends the location we have chosen is ideal, and has been used in the past for other events held by Southside BID."
The licence will see alcohol served at the location from 5pm to 10.45pm on a Friday, and 11am to 10.45pm on Saturdays and Sundays.
The applicant has also included conditions that no more than six events will be held at the location in any 12-month period, the cumulative number of days of these events will not exceed 21 and that these events will not be held on consecutive weekends.