Remainer Clive Tyldesley to host anti-Brexit rally
Football commentator Clive Tyldesley will be leading the calls for a second referendum at a rally in Birmingham next week.

The ITV broadcaster will compare a People's Vote 'Let Us Be Heard' rally on Tuesday, which is set to take place at the University of Birmingham.
He will appear alongside Conservative former Deputy Prime Minister Lord Michael Heseltine, Birmingham Labour MP Jess Phillips, Lib Dem MEP Phil Bennion, Green Party MEP Ellie Chowns, comic and writer Mitch Benn and Isi Daley, an activist for For Our Future’s Sake.
In a recent interview, Mr Tyldesley said that the Brexit vote had been based on ignorance, and blamed the media for failing to correctly inform the public.
"I believe that a lot of the big decisions that have been taken, notably Brexit, have been taken out of ignorance," he said.
"And I think the news media failed the British public in a big way in the build up to Brexit. They turned it into personality clash instead of trying to educate us to make an informed decision, and I feel very strongly about that."
The event takes place at the university's Great Hall in Edgbaston, from 5.30pm.