Express & Star

Police searching cars over Birmingham Christmas Market terror fears

Armed police officers have begun stopping and searching cars on busy rush hour roads over fears of a terror attack on a Christmas market.

Police are stopping and searching cars

The operation, launched in Birmingham ahead of the city's popular Frankfurt Christmas Market, has seen large numbers of officers pulling over and checking vehicles and pedestrians.

West Midlands Police say the pre-planned operation is not a result of any specific threat or intelligence.

However, the move comes in the wake of a series of terrorist attacks in which vehicles have mown down pedestrians.

Earlier today a car driver was arrested in Toulouse, France after deliberately driving into a group of students outside the school, injuring three.

In December last year, 12 people died and 56 were injured when Islamic extremist Anis Amri ploughed a truck into a Christmas market outside the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church in Berlin.

Concrete barriers have been placed all around the Birmingham Frankfurt Christmas Market in an attempt to stop a similar attack.

Superintendent Andy Parsons, or West Midlands Police, said: "These checks are to offer reassurance to our communities and those who plan to attend our world famous Christmas market.

"Officers will be stopping vehicles and pedestrians during the afternoon and evening, this will continue throughout the festive season.

"There will be a mixture of armed, unarmed and plan clothes officers patrolling the city. If you see them, please feel free to talk to them and say hello – this is your police service and they are here to keep you safe.

"We remain hugely grateful for the overwhelming public support shown to our officers and their mission to prevent crime.

"It is really important that we tackle all crime together so if you see something or hear anything suspicious, we need to know so we can try to do something about it."

West Midlands Police tweeted: "Our officers are out on patrol in #Bham city centre as we prepare for the arrival of the @BirminghamFCM on 16 Nov. Patrols will continue throughout the festive period. If you see our officers armed or unarmed please say hello."