Express & Star

Who's the real Dancing Queen? MP flosses to ABBA

Look who's out to prove she's the real Dancing Queen! Looks like Theresa May has some competition.

Clockwise from top left: The school take part in the dance off with music emulating Theresa May with MP Emma Reynolds taking part

Emma Reynolds joined children from a Wolverhampton primary school to 'floss' as part of a dance routine.

And they picked ABBA favourite Mamma Mia in a tongue-in-cheek reference to Theresa May's memorable Tory Conference appearance.

Prime Minister Theresa May dances as she arrives on stage to make her speech at the Conservative Party conference at the International Convention Centre in October

The MP for Wolverhampton North East Emma Reynolds joined the battle for more funding for schools by joining pupils at Bushbury Hill Primary School in doing the 'floss'.

The dance was part of the national ‘Floss4Funding’ campaign by Save Our Schools UK.

It brought together schools and politicians to back the campaign and call for more funding.

It is estimated that the school has lost £600,000 between 2015 and 2020, which is an estimated loss of around £2,000 per pupil.

The MP said: “Today may be a bit of fun, but there is a serious point behind it.

"Schools across Wolverhampton have lost millions of pounds in funding – and this is money taken directly out of resources used to teach our children.

“From speaking with Kay Mason, the headteacher at Bushbury Hill, their school is particularly hard hit, losing around £2,000 in funding per pupil.

WATCH: Theresa May showed off her moves to ABBA's Dancing Queen

"This has left it functioning with fewer teachers and teaching assistants, which is having a direct impact on pupil’s education.

“Starving schools of funds does not add up, and is having an effect on a school’s ability to undertake building repairs, take on new staff, buy books and support students with special educational needs."