Express & Star

Black Country staff, volunteers and patients star in new video to reflect on their favourite thing about the NHS

Healthcare staff, volunteers and patients in the Black Country have starred in a new video to reflect on their favourite thing about the NHS ahead of its 75th birthday on Wednesday.

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A video of NHS staff, volunteers and patients reflecting on their favourite thing about the NHS

It has been created by the Black Country NHS and includes people also speaking out about the impact the NHS has had on all their lives.

Sally Roberts, chief nursing officer for the NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board (ICB), features in the video and reflects on her favourite things about the NHS.

She said: “It’s my 38th year this year as a registered nurse in the NHS and what a career I’ve had, as well as the opportunities I’ve had to develop my career and develop my life really as a nurse.

“As I reflect on my favourite thing about the NHS, I think about my nursing family and the work that we’ve done throughout the years from a nursing profession.

"I have many families of nurses in my life, so my professional family and my personal family and I’ve also got friends who are nurses too.

“I think what the NHS gives us is very much that collective element, and the opportunities and flexibility to have the most phenomenal career in such a wonderful institution.”

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