Express & Star

Couple facing cancer head-on raise £4,000 for Macmillan with head shave three years in the making

A couple fighting cancer head-on have raised £4,000 for Macmillan by 'braving the shave'.

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Jill Bolton and George Buller

George Buller, from Palfrey, Walsall, was first diagnosed with cancer in 2019, and has since had his stomach removed as he continues his battle.

His wife, Jill Bolton, has supported him all the way, and the pair have come together to organise and complete a charity head shave event.

George, 65, works for a local pharmacy delivering vital medication across Walsall and is well-respected by many of the local community.

Jill Bolton had her head shaved by Frank Agatiello

The pair both went to Joseph Leckie Academy and have been together for 20 years, marrying last month but keeping their surnames distinct.

Following George's diagnosis, Jill, who works as a florist, made the brave decision to have her hair shaved for charity, and so grew it out for three years ahead of the big day.

As she has such long, strong hair, she decided to donate it to The Little Princess Trust, another charity which also raises funds for cancer research while providing young girls with real hair wigs.

The cut took place at Sergio's Unisex Hairdressing in Walsall, which offered the premises completely free, and provided Prosecco and cakes while the cut took place.

People came along to make it a special day

Jill said: "The day was brilliant, we were thrilled, it was great fun and everyone was in a lovely mood.

"We raised £723 just in the bucket on the day, the total is coming up to £4,000 now.

"We have a couple of weeks to go, and we are hoping to get to £5,000, we are going to end it in October, but people can still donate now.

"They can go on Macmillan Brave the Shave and put in Jill Bolton - that will run for a long time."

Jill having her head shaved

The hair itself is now ready to be donated to The Little Princess Trust, something Jill described as very important.

She said: "When you sit at the hospital for chemotherapy, and you see children with no hair, it really brings it home.

"I want to thank everyone who showed their support, and Frank at Sergio's, who has done everything for free."

Donations to the caused can still be made at