Express & Star

Wolf pack urged to help Wolves fan's bid for cancer treatment

Wolves fans are looking to give ‘one of their own’ a helping hand to access potentially life-saving cancer treatment at a special event this Saturday.

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Claire Elliott, pictured with her husband Greg, are fundraising towards her potentially life-saving cancer treatment

Around 200 supporters will descend on the Duke of York for a special Race Night to raise money for Claire Elliott.

The former nurse turned lawyer is currently undergoing chemotherapy to help shrink a huge 12.5cm tumour that is pressing against her abdomen in the hope that she is well enough to undergo Pembroluzimab, an immunotherapy agent that is currently not available for her type of cancer in the UK.

It is the third time the 51-year-old, who lives in Bearwood, has had to fight the disease, but despite the illness it has not stopped her and husband Greg following Wolves all over the country, Europe and even China for pre-season.

“It’s a guess, but I reckon I’ve seen over 1,500 Wolves games home and away since the mid-eighties. I love it and it’s a great distraction from my ongoing battle with cancer,” explained Claire, who also follows England overseas.

“My diagnosis in 2016 was delayed after my GP treated me as if I was peri-menopausal and, by the time I found out, it was apparently too late.

"I didn’t want to give up so started an extensive seven-week period of chemotherapy and radiotherapy and amazingly got the all-clear.

“Unfortunately, it came back and I beat it again, only for the cancer to return in March 2019.

"The hospital said they couldn’t do any more and I’ve currently been given between two and eight months to live.

“Pembroluzimab, an immunotherapy agent, is realistically the only option left.

Devoted Wolves fan Claire Elliott with the club's head coach Nuno Espírito Santo

"It is not licensed in the UK for my particular cancer, but infuriatingly is for head and neck, prostrate and some types of lung cancer.

"This means we need to raise money so I can try the treatment in Asia, Ireland or the US.”

The treatment costs £3200 per cycle and Claire will need a minimum of five to assess if it is having any impact and, if successful, up to thirty-five cycles in total.

When combined with Caris tumour testing, this means a total of £120,000 could be needed and that is why family, friends and Wolves fans from across the UK have joined forces, starting with the race evening being held at the Duke of York on Saturday.

Claire and Greg want to seek treatment abroad

ABC Cars, M Security Services and Hatherton Wolves are sponsoring the evening, meaning everything raised will go towards supporting Claire’s treatment.

Entry is £20 and there will be a host of cash and beer prizes, not to mention a special sporting memorabilia auction being held.

“Greg and I have been overwhelmed by the support we have received over the last four years, especially from Wolves fans - we really are ‘one pack’,” said Claire.

“I’ve beaten it twice, so hopefully, if I can access this specialist treatment, I can do it again - after all we’ve got the Europa League to win," she added.

For further information or to book tickets, contact Hatherton Wolves on their Facebook page or visit

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