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Survey launched to help prioritise conservation across Staffordshire

Members of the public are being urged to help identify key species that should be prioritised for conservation within Staffordshire.


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The initiative is part of plans to develop a new long-term strategy to recover, protect and enhance nature and wildlife.

Led by Staffordshire Council, the Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) for Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent aims to set out priorities to drive a coordinated plan to protect nature.

A spokesman for Staffordshire Council said: "The plan will pinpoint locations across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent where we can create or improve habitats such as woodlands, rivers, and meadows to reverse the decline of species and protect the area’s unique biodiversity.

"The UK is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world with 41 per cent of species being in decline and 15 per cent facing extinction.

"Like much of the UK, nature is under pressure in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent too."

A survey has been launched to ask residents to share the species they feel are the most important to protect.

Simon Tagg, Staffordshire Council’s cabinet member for environment, infrastructure and climate change, said: “Whether you're a wildlife enthusiast or you simply enjoy spending time outdoors, your voice matters.

"By taking a few minutes to complete this survey, you will be helping us to identify local wildlife that you feel has the greatest need for our protection.

"This information will help us to ensure they continue to thrive for generations to come.”

The survey will close in late June, so to find out more and to complete the survey, go to

Find out more about the Staffordshire and Stoke LNRS at

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