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What kind of spiders might be found at home, and how to get rid of them

Spider season has finally come – you may have already found them living rent-free in your home.

Spiders crawl into homes

When autumn comes, spiders search for warm and sheltered places – which is why they end up invading our personal space.

There are different types of spiders in the UK that may set up camp indoors, though some are more common at this time of year.

Here are the most common types of spiders that may be found at home and what they look like, according to pest control experts at

  • Common fox spider - A fast-moving spider that chases prey.

  • Green orb-weaver spider - A small spider with a bright green abdomen

  • Diving bell spider – This spider can live underwater and spins a web capsule with a trapped air bubble for breathing and laying eggs

  • Giant house spider – This spider is quite large and spins sheet-like webs. Able to sprint across the floor at a pace of 20 inches per second

  • Harvestman spider – A spider with a tiny body with a fused abdomen and head. This spider has very long, thin legs that it can shed when attacked

  • Zebra jumping spider – Identified by black and white stripes. This spider stalks and pounces on prey

  • Money spider – The most common spider in the UK. There are 270 species of money spiders in the UK - they often stay up in the corner and not move.

  • Tube web spider – This spider has a distinctive green jaw and three groups of two eyes. It spins funnel-weave webs in cracks in buildings

  • Noble false widow spider – Featuring a skull-shaped marking on the abdomen, this spider is often mistaken for a black widow

  • Lace-weaver spider – This spider weaves a flat web over a wall crevice, which creates a silken tunnel where it grabs its prey

  • Cellar spider – This spider has long limbs and can often be found in corners of rooms where they create loose webs to hang from. It may move erratically when trying to scare off a predator.

How to get rid of spiders and prevent them from residing in your home:

  • Spider traps – They can be set up around the house to catch and kill spiders. Other spider traps will not kill them, so that they can be released back outside, but these are harder to come by.

  • Remove existing webs – Use a vacuum to remove spider webs as soon as you see them in your home.

  • Peppermint oil – Making a peppermint oil and water mixture to spray around the home will repel spiders, as well as peppermint-scented air fresheners or plug-ins.

  • Vinegar – Vinegar works the same way as peppermint oil in repellling spiders.

  • Window screens – Those who like to leave their windows open for fresh air might benefit from installing screens/mesh covers on their windows to keep the critters out.

  • Insect spray – insect spray can be used along the edges of the room and in the corners to repel spiders - be careful when using spray around children and pets.

  • Keep the lights off – like moths, spiders are attracted to light. Keep the lights off whenever you're out of the room.