Express & Star

Owner of Great Barr dog grooming parlour wins the day

A dog lover who set up a pets' grooming enterprise in her home has spoken of her disappointment after neighbours complaints went viral online.

Karen Hall-Yates

Karen Hall-Yates set up Posh Paws Canine Styling parlour in a converted garage at the property, in Lammermoor Avenue, Great Barr, but was then met with a petition of 24 objections after converting the garage without permission.

And now she has spoken out about her initial anger at her neighbour’s objections and also about her love of dogs and pampering them in time for the festive season.

“I was initially quite angry that the story went out, but after I calmed myself, it’s been quite good for business really,” she said.

Mrs Hall-Yates claims that she did not need planning permission to convert the garage “as we were just using one bath for our dogs for personal use.

“It’s not necessarily a dog grooming business, more of a hobby. I like making dogs feel good and pampering them,” she said.

“Around March or April 2020, I asked ThinkSandwell about my dog grooming business, as I only groom five dogs a week max. I got a message from them saying that I did not need planning permission.”

Karen Hall-Yates

She added: “I moved here in May. I was struck by how lovely the back garden was and how quiet it is, despite being so close to the M6.

“When me and my husband moved here we thought the garage and part of the back garden would be suitable and ideal for a dog grooming salon.

“I had two dogs before we moved here both breeds of Lhasa Apso. We then got two more of the same breed.”

Mrs Hall-Yates was eventually told by Sandwell Council that she did need permission and the application was discussed on December 15.

She told the planning committee that the petition was largely not relevant as she applied for retrospective permission.

The members approved the application subject to opening hours after officers said that the change of use from a garage into a dog grooming facility would be acceptable and would not cause any significant parking or highway issues.

She added: “[The neighbour] claims that we are dog breeding, when that is not the case at all. One of the dogs, coincidentally as we moved into the new property, ended up giving birth to a litter of puppies.

“We re-homed them with others ‘in the breed’, those who also look after show dogs, by using an advertisement. I’ve tried to change it to show that they have been rehomed, but perhaps that is why they seem to think we are breeding dogs.

“Aside from that time in May, we have never bred dogs. I don’t want too, and I don’t plan too either.”

Mrs Hall-Yates said she now hopes to have a quiet Christmas ‘but not before pampering a few dogs for their owners in time for the big day’.

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