Express & Star

Stow Heath Primary completes turnaround with good rating

A primary school in Wolverhampton has seen an ‘impressive’ turnaround after moving from special measures to a good rating in just three years.

The school has turned around its fortunes

Stow Heath Primary School was visited by inspectors last month who found it to be ‘an improving school’ where leaders work with ‘drive and ambition to the benefit of staff and pupils’.

They said the commitment of senior leaders and staff was resulting in the majority of pupils doing well in a range of subjects with pupils behaving well, enjoying attending school and having a ‘good attitude to their learning’.

They found that early years children had a good start in their education and made rapid progress from their starting points while governors ‘take an active role, both supporting and challenging staff to be the best they can be’

Head teacher Vivienne Bunce said: “The outcome of our Ofsted inspection is a testament to the drive and ambition of leaders and the hard work and dedication shown by all the staff and governors during our journey from special measures in December 2013 to good today”

The report concluded that the effectiveness of leadership and management, the quality of teaching, learning and assessment, the personal development, behaviour and welfare of pupils, the outcomes for pupils and the early years provision at Stow Heath are all good.

Bill Hague, the City of Wolverhampton Council’s head of school planning and resources, said: "The turnaround at Stow Heath Primary School over the last three years is very impressive and testament to the hard work of Vivienne Bunce and her leadership team, the teachers and support staff, governors, pupils and parents.

"The council's School Improvement Team has worked closely with Stow Heath to support their recovery with termly reviews and school improvement board meetings.

“These were used to validate the school’s own self-evaluation and identify any support required for particular aspects of the curriculum, teaching and learning”

“We look forward to Stow Heath continuing its rapid improvement and becoming an outstanding school in due course.”

By Queenie Goredema