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Cannock Chase High making progress, says Ofsted

A high school which was failing to make the grade is now making progress, according to a Government watchdog.

Cannock Chase High

Ofsted inspectors went into Cannock Chase High School in January 2016 and rated it as requires improvement.

Inspectors said pupils GCSE results in the previous two years had not been good enough and there was not enough progress in key subjects, including mathematics and science. There was also said to be varying degrees of teaching quality.

But now the regulator has noted that improvements are being made following a return visit last month - September - to monitor progress.

In a letter to headteacher Iain Turnbill, Her Majesty’s inspector Alun Williams said: “Senior leaders and governors are taking effective action to tackle the areas requiring improvement identified at the last inspection in order to become a good school.”

Mr Williams stated there had been a stable period of staffing since the 2016 inspection.

He said: “The trajectory of improvement that was already evident at the time of the previous inspection has continued and accelerated in the intervening time.

“The headteacher, senior and middle leaders and governors are all committed to seeing the school improve.

“Their improvement plans and actions have had considerable impact.

“Standards of achievement at the end of Year 11 improved considerably in 2016.

“Published performance data for this year contains inaccuracies because of the school’s continued use of early entry in some subjects.

“Leaders believe that this practice benefits pupils and leads to better final results as a consequence.

“Unvalidated results for 2017 suggest that standards have continued to rise.

“Improvement is particularly evident in mathematics and science, both highlighted as relative weaknesses at the previous inspection.”

Mr Williams added: “Leaders’ efforts to improve outcomes for disadvantaged pupils have proved successful.

“Across a range of subjects, disadvantaged pupils now make progress that is similar to that of other pupils nationally.

“Subject leaders form a united and effective team who now lead the development of teaching in their areas. They have been well trained and are effectively supported by senior leaders.

“They value the help and guidance they receive from their link member of the senior team.”