School focus: Henry Chadwick Primary School
A village school near Rugeley received high praise in a recent Ofsted inspection.

A village school near Rugeley received high praise in a recent Ofsted inspection.
Henry Chadwick Primary School headteacher David Werry said: "We are incredibly proud of all we achieved this year at Henry Chadwick.
"We pride ourselves on our strong relationships with all members of the school community so we were delighted when our Oftsed report in May praised the outstanding care, guidance and support we offer our children."
He said the school ethos was that every child was special and they worked hard to provide opportunities which support the learning needs and styles of all children, nurture individual talents and promote wider interests.
"We firmly believe it is our responsibility to develop the 'whole' child, giving them a strong skill set. This will help them to 'Learn to Live' – which is our school motto."
The enriched curriculum offers weekly circle time sessions in every class to discuss personal, social and health issues.
"We further promote healthy living through a range of sporting activities within school time and through after-school clubs. Some of these sessions are taught by professional sports coaches, who really inspire and motivate the children.
"The pupils in year five and six have especially enjoyed learning to play a brass instrument. Despite starting with no experience, the whole class – including teachers – has already played in two concerts.
"Meanwhile the pupils in Years 3 and 4 have been making candle holders similar to those used in the Hindu Aarti festival to help develop their understanding of other cultures," explained Mr Werry.
The children recently recorded Henry Chadwick Hits, a compilation of some of the children's favourite songs, will be sold to boost school funds. Mr Werry, a keen singer and member of Lichfield Cathedral Choir, believes music is an important part of education for the pupils.