Express & Star

Lifetime ban for boxer who knocked teen out with single punch, inflicting serious injuries

A Wordsley based professional boxer who became embroiled in a dispute between two groups of men on a night out left a teenager with serious injuries when he knocked him out with a single punch.

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Danny Ball in action. Picture: BCB Promotions

Daniel Ball's boxing career, which stretches back to 2017, is now over after he received a suspended sentence at Wolverhampton Crown Court on Thursday. He had already admitted wounding in an earlier appearance at Dudley Magistrates Court.

The court heard the 17-year-old – who can't be named for legal reasons – went on a night out with a group of friends on Saturday June 24 last year in Stourbridge. They then got a taxi to Wall Heath for a last drink and approached the Prince Albert Hotel in High Street.

Lal Amarasinghe, prosecuting, told the court that although the venue appeared to be shut, they saw people inside and in the beer garden and, after failing to get a drink, exchanged hostile words with Ball's group, including telling them to go away. They then walked away from the pub after they felt they had been sent on 'a wild goose chase'.

He said: "The teenager's group was followed and a glass thrown which smashed behind them before Ball's brother Josh shouted at them not to speak to him and his friends in that way and witnesses said they saw people 'being aggressive' and 'in the victim's face.'

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