Express & Star

Insurers will be told about drivers who breach street racing injunction - police

Police enforcing an injunction banning street racing have warned drivers that insurance companies will be informed about convictions, meaning higher premiums for those who break it.


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The High Court street racing injunction, which was granted in February, prohibits anyone from taking part as a driver, rider or passenger, in a gathering of two or more people at which some of those present engage in 'street racing' activities.

The injunction also covers organisers and spectators, prohibiting people from promoting, organising or publicising gatherings, or from participating as a spectator. It will remain in force for at least three years but is subject to an annual review, next due in February 2025.

It was announced this week that police will contact companies which insure the vehicles of anyone who is found guilty of breaching the injunction, potentially leading to street racers facing higher premiums or difficulty in obtaining insurance.

Councillor Jasbir Jaspal, Wolverhampton Council's cabinet member for adults and wellbeing: "The injunction is playing a hugely important role in tackling the menace of street racing across the Black Country.

"People should be under no illusions as to the penalties they may face if they are to breach the injunction, which range from a fine or having their vehicle seized to jail time.

"I am pleased that the authorities are now also proactively informing culprits’ insurance companies of any convictions, which should act as an added deterrent."

Over 30 people have been arrested since the injunction was first introduced

The injunction covers the whole of the boroughs of Wolverhampton, Dudley, Sandwell and Walsall, with anyone breaching it being in contempt of court, and facing penalties including imprisonment, a fine or an order to have their assets seized.

Nearly 30 people have been arrested since the interim injunction first came into force in December 2022.

Detective Constable Mark Campbell from Operation Hercules, the police operation behind the injunction, said: "Our team has been working hard to combat street racing and cruising on the region’s roads and will take action against motorists who flout the law and put other road users at risk.

"We work closely with our partners on a range of tactics to identify, disrupt and enforce against those taking part or watching street racing. Our priority is keeping the roads safe for all."

In the period of action, 26 street racers have been arrested across Birmingham and the four Black Country boroughs, with 15 of those arrests being since January this year alone.

Over 2,000 warning letters were handed out to motorists and 180 drivers, passengers and spectators were given Community Protection Warnings designed to stop a person committing anti-social behaviour.

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