Express & Star

Man convicted of murdering daughter's father-in-law after family row over wedding gifts

A man has been convicted of murdering his daughter's father-in-law at his Birmingham home after a family row over wedding gifts turned violent.

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Ahmad Al Sino has been convicted of murder after stabbing Mohammed Ibrahim four times.

Ahmad Al Sino fled after the knife attack, only to find armed officers were right behind him and he was arrested as he got out of his car.

The victim, Mohammed Ibrahim, was 55 and had suffered four stab injuries. He was treated at the scene and by hospital medics but sadly nothing could be done to save him.

His son, who was the husband of Al Sino's daughter, received serious knife injuries in the attack but thankfully later recovered following hospital treatment.

They were injured after a row involving belongings and gifts, including gold jewellery, following a family wedding. The incident escalated on March 13 this year.

Al Sino, armed with a knife, kicked at the front door of Mr Ibrahim’s home in Castle Vale before it was opened and the fatal attack was carried out just before 1pm.

Al Sino left but Mr Ibrahim's family called 999 and police officers were able to track the silver Hyundai he was in, using ANPR and CCTV, supported by a police helicopter.

As Al Sino pulled up at his home in Chatham Road, Northfield, just before 1.40pm armed officers arrested him.

On searching the car, a plastic bag was found containing two identical kitchen knives. Forensic examinations showed that blood found on one of the knives belonged to Mr Ibrahim.

Ahmad Al Sino, aged 43, denied the murder of Mohammed Ibrahim, the attempted murder of Mr Ibrahim's son, and possession of a bladed article.

However, the jury at Birmingham Crown Court found him guilty following a three-week trial and Al Sino will be sentenced on Thursday, October 19.

Another man, aged 20, was found not guilty by the jury of murder and attempted murder.

Det Insp Damian Forrest, from West Midlands Police's Homicide team, said: "It is truly shocking that a dispute involving family members could result in such a loss of life.

"Ahmad Al Sino attended the address and had with him knives, one of which was wielded in anger, resulting in fatal injuries for which he was rightly brought to justice.

"Today’s conviction underlines the catastrophic, irreversible effect on all involved when someone chooses to carry or use a knife.

"Our thoughts remain with Mr Ibrahim's family and we hope that the culmination of this trial can bring them some peace."