Express & Star

Two teenage girls arrested over Lichfield distraction burglaries targeting the elderly

Two teenage girls have been arrested over a number of distraction burglaries in Lichfield.

Last updated
A 16-year-old girl and a 17-year-old girl have been arrested on suspicion of eight counts of burglary

Police recently issued a warning over the burglaries, which saw two individuals claiming to be council workers, tricking their way into homes and stealing valuables.

One victim, a man in his 80s, reported two gold watches and two gold rings had been stolen.

A 16-year-old girl and a 17-year-old girl, both from Birmingham, have been arrested on suspicion of eight counts of burglary of a dwelling with intent to steal.

Both individuals remain in custody while inquiries continue.

Chief Inspector Paul Cooke, of the Lichfield Local Policing Team, said: "If you are ever suspicious or have any doubts, please do not let people into your property.

"We would like to reassure the community that we are investigating the recent reports with local officers carrying out a number of enquiries.

"We have also increased police patrols in the area.

“To report any suspicious incidents or if you have any information, please message the force on social media or call 101 to pass on the details. In an emergency, always dial 999.”

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