Express & Star

Killer of three-year-old Black Country boy could soon be freed from prison

The family of a three-year-old boy who was beaten to death have told of their anguish that one of his killers could soon be getting out of prison.

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Ryan Lovell-Hancox was aged three when he died

Ryan Lovell-Hancox suffered more than 70 injuries as he was tormented by the couple who were supposed to be caring for him in a Bilston bedsit.

Christopher Taylor and Kayley Boleyn were jailed over the 2008 killing but Boleyn, who was 18 at the time, could soon be freed.

And Ryan’s grandmother Carole Sadler and aunt, Tanya Lovell, originally from Bushbury, Wolverhampton, say the prospect of her release has brought the pain of his death and the horrific circumstances surrounding it flooding back.

Kayley Boleyn

The toddler was systematically abused by the pair, who had been asked by his mother to look after him. He was taken unconscious from the property on Slim Avenue suffering a brain haemorrhage, which led to a fatal cardiac arrest on Christmas Eve.

Taylor was jailed for at least 15 years and Boleyn at least 13 years after being convicted of murder. She could become eligible for parole as early as next year, with Taylor not far behind.

Mrs Sadler and Ms Lovell believe sentences should be tougher for people convicted of killing children.

Mrs Sadler, aged 53, said: “Why should she have a lighter sentence than him? It’s like the kids don’t matter anymore.

Christopher Taylor

“They can have their own lives, make a family but my grandson is still in the ground. I don’t like it, obviously. I’m getting sleepless nights over it already. I know people will say they have done their time, but we are still doing our time.”

Ms Lovell, 31, said: “It does make it feel a lot more raw. It does take us closer to the day (it happened). These people get integrated back into society. They could be close by, possibly.”

Ryan’s appalling death sent shockwaves through the city and a subsequent inquiry led to criticism of council and housing officials, as well as probation staff and police.

Both say the shocking events which led to Ryan’s death more than a decade ago have had a lasting impact on their lives.

Ms Lovell said: “It was horrible. It has changed my lifestyle as a mother. I feel I have excessively got to protect my children. It has had a long-lasting effect and left a feeling of anger.”

Mrs Sadler added: “It’s never gone away. The pain has never stopped. I’m more protective of the grandkids. They call me Nanny Worry, they’re not allowed to have a scratch on them.

"It’s coming up to his 16th birthday next year. I’m tired – tired of mourning a child out of stupidity and neglect.”

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