Express & Star

No jail for police chase teenager who bought stolen Qashqai for £50

An 18-year-old banned driver who led police on a two-mile high-speed chase at the wheel of a stolen car he bought "from a druggie" for £50 has been spared jail.

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A stock photo of a Nissan Qashqai

Zafran Hussain pulled over when told to stop by a police motorcyclist in Walsall while at the wheel of the Nissan Qashqai which had false number plates on August 26 and had been stolen 13 days earlier, a judge heard.

But when the defendant was asked for his name he accelerated into the distance, Wolverhampton Crown Court was told.

Hussain reached speeds of 70mph in a 30 zone before losing control and smashing into the kerb with such force it bent the front nearside wheel of the car, explained Miss Katie Fox, prosecuting.

This made the Nissan more difficult to handle but he did not stop and tore a wing mirror off another car while rushing down St Johns Road scattering debris across the street before clipping another car in nearby Flaxhall Street.

The impact sent the Qashqai veering across the road into two parked cars, badly damaging both as well as the stolen vehicle.

Hussain tried to run away but was seized by pursuing police officers who detained him after a struggle.

He told them he had bought the car "for £50 off a druggie" when he knew he was disqualified from driving after being convicted of careless driving and other motoring matters on February 27.

Mr Simon Rippon, defending, said: "An opportunity presented itself and he took it without thinking. He needs to mature and learn lessons."

Hussain, from Scarborough Close, Walsall pleaded guilty to dangerous driving, handling stolen property and driving when disqualified.

He was sentenced to nine months detention in a Young Offenders Institution, suspended for 18 months with 100 hours unpaid work and a two-year driving ban.

Judge Jinder Singh Boora told him: "We are looking at thousands if not tens of thousands of pounds damage caused by your driving. You could have killed somebody.

"But your are not a criminal by nature. I put this down to immaturity and there is a very good opportunity for rehabilitation in this case. You need help and the probation service can provide it."

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