Express & Star

500 sex offences in five years at West Midland hospitals

Almost 500 sex offences have been committed in hospitals across the West Midlands since 2014 – including more than 100 rapes.

Last updated

Responding to a Freedom of Information request, West Midlands Police revealed that there were five recordings of rape "at hospital locations" in the region in 2014, compared with 35 so far this year.

However they did not state the types of wards or hospitals where the offences took place, or whether figures included children’s or psychiatric hospitals.

In terms of sexual assaults, there have been a combined total of 479 at hospitals since 2014.

That figure includes 112 offences of rape and three of attempted rape.

Victims of rape included both male and female, with 10 cases where the victim was under the age of 16. A total of 81 of the rape victims were female, figures show.

The region’s Police and Crime Commissioner David Jamieson has now said reducing the number of sexual assaults is a "top priority".

The year with the highest number of sexual assaults during this period was 2018, with 116 incidents being recorded, though 2019 looks set to top this figure, with 102 cases already recorded by the end of September.

The figures for sexual assaults recorded in hospital locations since 2014 are 34 in 2014, 56 in 2015, 74 in 2016, 97 in 2017, 116 in 2018 and 102 in 2019, a total of 479.

Speaking after the figures were revealed, Mr Jamieson said: “Reducing the number of sexual assaults is a top priority for me.

“In the past the sexual assault has often been an under-reported crime.

“Since being elected in 2014 I have worked with partners to encourage victims to come forward and report when they have been assaulted.

“I have made a significant investment in the force’s Public Protection Unit (PPU) and increased the number of officers who work in the unit, the officers who work in the PPU focus specifically on crimes against the person including rape and sexual assault.

“I am committed to working with West Midlands Police and partners to reduce the number of victims of sexual assault, but also to make sure they have the best possible support available to them."

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