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JAILED: 'Dr Evil' extreme body artist given 40-month sentence for ear and nipple removal

An extreme body artist dubbed Dr Evil who removed an ear, a nipple and split a tongue at the request of his customers has been locked up for more than three years.

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Dr Evil Brendan McCarthy outside Wolverhampton Crown Court

Brendan McCarthy was sentenced to 40 months in prison today over procedures carried out at his Dr Evil’s Body Modification Emporium tattoo studio in Wolverhampton city centre between August 2012 and July 2015.

Sentencing the 50-year-old from Morton Road, Bushbury, on Thursday, Judge Amjad Nawaz said McCarthy had no qualifications to carry out surgical procedures or to deal with any adverse consequences which could have arisen.

The judge told the body modification artist: "There is a clear public interest element. There is also a need for deterrent."

Dr Evil Brendan McCarthy pictured on the Channel 4 show Body Mods

Several friends of McCarthy cried and comforted each other as he was led away, while he could be heard howling in apparent distress after he was taken from the dock.

McCarthy, whose studio was based in Princess Alley, admitted the charges last month after the Court of Appeal said his customers' written consent to the procedures did not amount to a defence.

He admitted removing the left ear of a man called Ezechiel Lott on July 23 2015; using a scalpel to split the tongue of an unidentified woman on July 23 2012 and removing the nipple of an unidentified man on August 16 2012.

McCarthy arrives at Wolverhampton Crown Court on Thursday

Opening the case against McCarthy at Wolverhampton Crown Court, prosecutor Peter Grieves-Smith QC said of the tattooist's guilty pleas: "The prosecution have accepted that the customers in this case consented to the procedures performed by the defendant.

"That involved the removal of an ear, secondly the division of a tongue to create a forked tongue, and thirdly the removal of a nipple."

Customer Ezechiel Lott, whose ear was removed in 2015, had been contacted by police after McCarthy pleaded guilty last month, the court heard.

In comments to police, read into the record by Mr Grieves-Smith, the man said he "felt like he had been deceived" as he thought at the time that the procedure was legal.

Interior view of Dr Evil’s Body Modification Emporium in Wolverhampton

Mr Grieves-Smith said: "He stated that had he known it was illegal, he would never have had the procedure because he certainly was not that desperate to have his ear removed."

Defence QC Andrew Smith urged Judge Amjad Nawaz not to jail McCarthy - who now has "no direct engagement with customers" - in the "unusual" case.

Mr Smith said: "I accept that the conduct Mr McCarthy has pleaded guilty to must cross the custodial threshold.

Brendan McCarthy's police mugshot

"But nevertheless in the exceptional circumstances of this case, the court could properly suspend any such sentence."

Accepting that McCarthy had caused harm, Mr Smith added: "Each individual actively sought the procedures. It came about as an extension of the work he had historically undertaken in respect of body-piercing and tattooing.

"The defendant is plainly remorseful... expressed through pleas of guilty and expressed in his discussion with the Probation Service."

McCarthy could be heard howling as he was led down

Passing sentence, Judge Nawaz said the body-modification industry was unregulated and McCarthy was only registered as a tattooist and cosmetic piercer.

The judge said of McCarthy: "He had no qualifications to carry out surgical procedures or to deal with any adverse consequences which could have arisen.

"There is a clear public interest element. There is also a need for deterrent."

Background to the sentence

Earlier, court hearings were told the ear removal was performed in 2015 without anaesthetic, three years after McCarthy split a woman's tongue with a scalpel.

McCarthy first appeared at Wolverhampton Crown Court in 2017, when he initially denied six counts relating to the three procedures.

Following a failed bid to convince a Crown Court judge that consent was a lawful defence, McCarthy took his case to the Court of Appeal, contending that the procedures should be regarded as lawful to protect the "personal autonomy" of his customers.

Dr Evil in action on Channel 4

But three Court of Appeal judges, who noted that McCarthy had divided a customer's tongue "to produce an effect similar to that enjoyed by reptiles", said the procedures were not comparable to tattoos and piercings.

Although they accepted evidence that the ear removal had been "done quite well" the judges said it was not in the public interest that a person could wound another for no good reason.

In a statement issued after McCarthy pleaded guilty, Wolverhampton Council said public protection officers had served a notice preventing him from carrying out extreme services.

An online petition set up to support the "knowledgeable, skilful and hygienic" body-piercer, who was refused permission to appeal to the Supreme Court, attracted around 13,000 signatures.


The council has since written to the Government requesting them to look into how the practice should be regulated and to decide on which authority would be most appropriate to regulate.

Councillor Steve Evans, Cabinet Member for City Environment said: “Today, we have exposed a national issue which requires a national regulation to be introduced to protect members of the public against the risks of extreme body modification.

McCarthy, inset, carried out the procedures at his studio in Princess Alley, pictured

"Whilst I'm sure Mr McCarthy considers himself an artist, providing a service removing and cutting people's body parts without adequate medical training from unsuitable retail premises, presents a risk to the public that we are not prepared to accept.

“McCarthy has been undertaking significant cosmetic practises which need to be carried out in a suitable medical facility and customers need to be psychologically vetted before the procedure.

“Cosmetic surgery requires a high level of legislation and we have asked national government to address these extreme practices that are being increasingly being requested the public."

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