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Arrested man stole police car after lunging at officers with syringe

A wanted man who lunged at police officers with an infected syringe before stealing their patrol car in an act of 'sheer madness' and driving it dangerously through built-up traffic has been jailed for almost four years.

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Wolverhampton Crown Court where the case was heard

Motorists had to swerve to avoid being hit by Andrew Gill as he fled through congested Dudley streets. He later tried to throw himself off a bridge but was rescued by officers, it emerged.

The 30-year-old had been arrested and handcuffed in the High Street last December for a breach of his licence conditions, Wolverhampton Crown Court heard.

But whilst in the back of the patrol car heading for Oldbury police station, the long-term drug addict became 'aggressive and agitated', telling officers that the arrest had come at 'the wrong time' and that he was 'rattling' in need of 'a score', said Ms Katie Fox, prosecuting.

He told them he was infected with HIV and Hepatitis C as he reached into an inside pocket and produced a syringe with the threat: "I've got a dirty needle covered in blood – if you don't let me out, I'll stab you with it."

Pc Denier, sitting beside him in the back, shoved Gill towards the door and reached for his Pava spray, similar to pepper spray, to incapacitate him but the defendant, meanwhile, had attacked Pc Paxton at the wheel of the car.

In the struggle, the keys of the vehicle were dropped and snatched up by Gill who, despite being sprayed by Pc Denier, managed to get into the driver's seat and speed away.

He drove erratically up Birmingham Road, carrying out a hand-brake turn as he headed towards the congested Birmingham New Road junction, with drivers having to take evasive action to avoid him, said Ms Fox.

He was last seen heading towards Coseley but the car was tracked to the nearby Tesco petrol station and Gill, who had fled to a 35ft-high road bridge overlooking Duncan Edwards Way, was restrained by his legs by officers as he tried to jump off.

Ms Fox said he would almost certainly have killed himself or motorists travelling below if he had been successful. When searched he was found to be in possession of a collection of syringes.

The court heard he had a string of convictions involving 54 offences, mainly for dishonesty but including some firearms convictions.

Mr Jason Patel, defending him, said Gill's offending was driven by his addiction to drugs. He was genuinely remorseful for his behaviour that day, described as an act of 'sheer madness' by the barrister.

The court heard he was in breach of a suspended 12-week prison sentence for a public order offence imposed last September.

Gill, of no fixed address, admitted possessing an offensive weapon, escaping from custody, robbery of the police car, dangerous driving and and driving whilst disqualified.

Sentencing him to a total of 46 months in prison, Judge Dean Kershaw said it was lucky no one has been injured. Gill was also disqualified him from driving for a further five years on his release.

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