Express & Star

Oldbury rapist gets 12 years in prison 35 years after schoolgirl attacks

A sex fiend who carried out a series of serious attacks on two schoolgirls almost four decades ago has been jailed for 12 years.

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Wolverhampton Crown Court, where Andrew Lancaster-Madeley was jailed

Andrew Lancaster-Madeley groomed his victims before setting out on what a judge described as a ‘catalogue of sex offences’.

Wolverhampton Crown Court heard that the attacks by the 55-year-old, who was living in Oldbury at the time, had had a catastrophic effect on his victims.

Judge Michael Challinor told the defendant: “You groomed both girls by telling them you were playing games with them.

"You preyed on their innocence and naivety and both girls were considerably damaged.”

One victim’s life had been ruined ‘and she may never recover’, said the judge.

However he ruled that Lancaster-Madeley had recognised the seriousness of his crimes, committed more than 35 years ago, and was fully aware of the damage they had inflicted.

He added: “You have never sought to challenge the honesty and the integrity of your victims.

"You must feel very ashamed and I know you are fully remorseful for what you have done.”

Lancaster-Madeley, of Telford Close, Solihull, admitted 12 charges involving rape and indecent assaults carried out when he was living in the Oldbury area more than 35 years ago.

He was also made the subject of an indefinite Sexual Harm Protection Order and told he must register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. His licence on release from custody was extended for a further two years.

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