Express & Star

'Vicious' murder of father still unsolved after nine years

The 'vicious' murder of a father-of-one in Birmingham remains unsolved after nine years, with his killer still at large.


David Weaver was murdered in 2008 after a fight broke out in a pub.

The 45-year-old had been at a memorial event for a family member at the Hare and Hounds on Marsh Hill, Erdington on November 22, when a fight broke out, spilling onto the street.

David was seen in a melee of people in the entrance to the pub before going outside. A short while later he was found close by with severe head injuries, from which he would never recover. He remained in hospital for five months before he died.

No one was ever charged with David's murder and West Midlands Police's cold case review team recently re-examined evidence and CCTV footage of the murder in an attempt to finally bring his killer to justice.

The review released previously unseen footage, which brought new witnesses to the events of that evening forward. But te review into the murder has now concluded, with still no one being arrested for David's murder.

David Weaver

Detective Superintendent Nick Walton, the lead investigator in the original enquiry, said: "New people came forward as a result of our appeal last year but, despite this, we have been unable to identify who murdered David.

"We still believe that the answer to solving this case lies within the local community and until a person comes forward with a true account of events that evening, the murder of David Weaver will remain unsolved.

"I know this is disappointing for David’s family and I share their frustration, but this case will not be closed and should any new evidence come to light, we will look into it."

David left a daughter, four sisters and a brother. His mother died three years ago.

His sisters said: "We are very saddened that despite our appeals and the work of the police, no one has come forward and given a true account of the events leading up to the vicious unprovoked attack on our brother.

"David was a loving caring man, who helped many people during his lifetime. He loved his family and friends and helped many of them, however now that David needs help to get justice where are his so called friends now?

"It is never too late to do the right thing and we urge yet again for you to ease your conscience and come forward and name the attackers. This must be a heavy burden to hold. God have mercy on your soul!

"We cannot express the horrific pain and heartache this has caused all of our family, David deserves justice and we will continue to seek justice for him and pray that one day this will occur.

"We would like to thank all the officers who have worked on our brother’s case, we know how much time and effort this has taken, we appreciate all your efforts, we know it has not been an easy task."

Anyone with information who has not spoken to police should contact DC Allan Jones in the Cold Case Review Team on 101 or email Crimestoppers can be called anonymously on 0800 555 111.