Express & Star

Bridgnorth phone box smashed to pieces by tractor

A phone box containing a lifesaving defibrillator has been smashed to pieces by a tractor.

The phone box. Credit: Roger Littleover

The defibrillator, which is thought to be relatively new, was destroyed in St John's Street in Low Town, Bridgnorth this morning.

It is understood to have happened when two wide-load vehicles attempted to squeeze past one another to avoid the traffic on the town's bypass.

The station – which used to be the town's telephone box – was badly damaged as a tractor, which was towing a plough, smashed into it before driving off.

All that's left of the red box is one side and the defibrillator equipment, which was supplied by Heartstart Midlands, appears to have been removed.

A West Mercia Police spokesperson said: "We received reports this morning at 10.18am.

"It was reported as non-stop car collision involving a tractor towing a plough.

"The council have attended the incident and made it safe."

Photographer Roger Littleover, who captured the aftermath, added: "The new defibrillator station wiped out by a lorry on St Johns Street this morning as the constant flow of wide-loaded vehicles squeeze past one another to avoid the tail back of traffic on the bypass.

"The station which used to be the communal telephone box didn't stand a chance and fortunately there was no one in it at the time."

Now the phone box's remains are surrounded by red tape.

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