Express & Star

Speeding Walsall driver locked up after head on crash

An uninsured motorist without a driving licence caused a near head on crash while trying to flee from police at twice the speed limit, a judge heard.

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Wolverhampton Crown Court where the case was heard

David Till was wanted for questioning in relation to an unrelated matter when spotted at the wheel of a friend’s parked Mazda in Long Acre Street, Walsall, Wolverhampton Crown Court was told.

As a police officer got out of his car to question him the 22-year-old accelerated into the distance, ignoring orders to stop.

Other police patrols in the area were alerted as he sped through residential streets at up to 60mph in a 30mph zone, said Mr Jamie Scott, prosecuting, who continued:

“He lost control while turning left at speed, drove onto the wrong side of the road and crashed into an oncoming Peugeot car.”

Till abandoned the Mazda and fled on foot, leaping over a fence and hedge before being detained by the pursuing police officers.

Mr Oliver Woolhouse ,defending, said: “At the time he was living a life style that caused considerable trouble for himself and those around him. He has been keeping less than desirable company but this was down to immaturity rather than entrenched criminality. He saw the police and panicked but is now taking more responsibility for his life.”

The other vehicle was driven by a woman whose 13-year-old daughter was in the front seat passenger, the court heard. Both were taken to hospital with minor injuries and their car was an insurance write off, added the prosecutor.

Till from Portsea Street, Leamore, Bloxwich admitted dangerous driving and having neither insurance nor a valid licence. He was jailed for ten months and banned from driving for two and a half years.

Recorder Robert Spencer-Bernard told him: “You were travelling at twice the speed limit and subsequently drove into a car being driven by a lady who said she never drove above 20pmh in case the children, who were often playing there, ran into the street.

“You were an incompetent driver who was driving too fast with total disregard for the danger this represented to pedestrians and other drivers. You then lost control and had a near head on collision.”

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