Express & Star

Midlands dealer jailed after drugs found under bath panel

A drug dealer has been jailed after police found cocaine and heroin hidden behind a bath panel at one of his flats – after acting on a tip-off from the public.


Officers managed to identify Alex Burbury from fingerprints left on drugs packaging following a raid on the home in Upper Ride, Coventry, where an imitation gun was also seized.

A drugs warrant was then executed at another property in Yarningdale Road, Willenhall, where Burbury was found with £1,150 in cash.

Trena Hutchinson, who was a tenant of the flat, was also discovered to be hiding heroin and crack cocaine within her clothing after the raid in September 2015.

Examination of mobile phones meant officers were able to link Burbury, of Birmingham Road, Ansley Village, Warwickshire, to drug dealing.

The 24 year-old was charged with two offences each of possessing crack cocaine and heroin with intent to supply and also having cannabis.

He was convicted of the offences following a trial and was jailed for five years at Coventry Crown Court on August 3.

Hutchinson, 35, of Yarningdale Road, Willenhall was also convicted of possessing heroin and crack cocaine with intent to supply and will be sentenced on September 15.

Officers have praised the public for passing on information to the local neighbourhood team which culminated in the raids and arrests.

Sergeant Antony Ashton, from Coventry Police, said: "We are determined to take Class A drugs off our streets as we have all seen the devastating consequences they can have on our communities.

"We need the help of community members to help us catch those involved and this was a fantastic example of how their support can help us convict dealers."