Express & Star

JAILED: Walsall thug who hit man so hard with baseball bat it shattered into pieces

A baseball bat wielding thug who bludgeoned a man so hard with his makeshift weapon that it shattered, has been locked up for more than nine years.

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James Price

James Price took the bat with him to join in the attack being launched by his 22-year-old ‘brother’ Michael McDonagh, who had already dragged Brett Wilkes into the road outside the home they shared at the time, a judge heard.

The 19-year-old then smashed the victim over the head and body four times with such force the bat broke into three pieces, Wolverhampton Crown Court was told.

McDonagh punched Mr Wilkes nine times in a minute and kicked him three times around his head before booting him twice more, this time in the face, said Mr Paul Spratt, prosecuting.

The lawyer added that Price also kicked the man in the back of the head and concluded: “It was a vicious, brutal and shocking outburst of violence.”

Michael McDonagh

Mr Wilkes got to his feet in an attempt to run off but fell over and had to crawl to the side of Leamore Lane, Walsall as Price twice prevented McDonagh from renewing the attack which started around 9pm on June 26 last year.

The injured man was taken to Birmingham’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital where he had two emergency operations during which a portion of his skull had to be removed. Mr Wilkes spent a fortnight in intensive care and a month in hospital before being allowed home.

A titanium plate was inserted during a third operation some time later but had to be removed last month after it became infected, the court heard. He will have further surgery at a future date and told police: “This incident has devastated my life.”

Violence flared after his mother and her partner had a disagreement with McDonagh and several other young men while walking home down Leamore Lane.

His mother collected an eight inch kitchen knife and returned to the scene to confront the group with it. Her son, who had been at the family home and saw her leave, followed and became involved when she was disarmed and knocked to the ground.

Mr Christopher O’Gorman, defending, argued: “He and McDonagh each share one parent and see themselves as brothers. Out of some feeling of loyalty he joined in and played more than his part.”

Price, now from Yew Tree Road, Shelfield, pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm with intent and possession of an offensive weapon.

Judge Amjad Nawaz sentenced the teenager to nine years four months detention and commented: “You will then have a chance to put this behind you. Brett Wilkes will never be able to do that. McDonagh, who lived in Leamore Lane, was first to be arrested and was jailed for ten and a half years at the same court in January.

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