Express & Star

JAILED: Thug stabbed and ‘spat at’ partner as violence flared in front of children

An 'insecure and jealous' thug who brutally beat up his partner twice in ten days has been put behind bars for more than three years.

Wolverhampton Crown Court where the case was heard

Shaun Page had been in a relationship with the victim for around 15 months when he suddenly turned violent after a drinking session at the home of one of her relatives, a judge heard.

The 31-year-old held a bread knife to the woman's throat and told her he was going to kill her before repeatedly punching her in the face, Wolverhampton Crown Court was told.

Then she was spat at and stabbed several times with a screwdriver before he calmed down on April 8 only to burst into another rage soon afterwards when he spotted a text message from a man on her mobile phone which he immediately broke, said Mr Howard Searle, prosecuting.

Furious Page hit her in the mouth with a beer can, removed her wig and set light to it outside, continued the prosecutor.

She was left with a black eye, cuts to her head and puncture wounds to the arms from the screwdriver but did not report the incident to police because she thought it might have been an isolated incident.

Ten days later she was attacked again in the early hours after he found more text messages on her phone.

She was hit over the head with a vacuum cleaner and cut on the hand when he pulled out a knife as the beating continued in front of her two children, one a baby and the other aged three, the court heard.

The older child pleaded: 'Daddy, no knives,' revealed Mr Searle. Miss Sarah Allen, defending, said: "He is disgusted with himself and full of remorse."

Page from Grafton Drive, Portobello, whose 47 previous convictions include domestic violence involving a former partner, admitted assault and criminal damage and was sent to prison for three years four months.

He was also made the subject of a restraining order banning contact with the woman until further notice.

Recorder Dean Kershaw to said: "This was sustained and repeated violence on a defenceless victim in which a weapon was used.

"It was disgraceful behaviour, some of which was witnessed by her children.

"What the older child witnessed will probably have a life long effect on him.

"This all stemmed from your insecurity and jealousy, exacerbated by alcohol."

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