Express & Star

Drunk Wolverhampton burglar in terrifying break in

A terrified family barricaded themselves in a bedroom after a drink and drug-crazed stranger burst into the house threatening to kill them in the middle of the night, a judge heard.


Pregnant Michaela Jones, aged 22, and her 30-year-old partner Anthony Boswell were woken at 3.30am by the sound of their front door being kicked in, Wolverhampton Crown Court was told.

She ran to collect their two year old son and brought him into their bedroom before wedging the door shut and ringing police.

They feared the worst as footsteps could be heard coming up the stairs at the end of terrace address in Jeffcock Road, Pennfields on January 7.

Mr David Iles, prosecuting, explained: "Somebody shouted from the other side of the door: 'I can see your baby and if you don't come out and surrender I am going to come in and kill you all. I have got a gun.' Miss Jones was crying and thought they were going to die. Then she saw the door handle turn."

The intruder could not get into the room where the family were giving a running commentary down the phone to the police, it was said.

After a few minutes filled with the sound of more banging and shouting everything went quiet. Police officers arrived at the scene soon afterwards to find bare footed Craig Mainland lying curled up in a ball and fast asleep on the floor.

The family, who were not physically injured, looked 'absolutely petrified' when allowed out of the barricaded bedroom.

Mr Iles confessed: "The motive for the break in is baffling. The defendant did not know the occupants and had selected this property at random."

Mainland was celebrating a job offer from Jaguar Rover with friends before things went spectacularly wrong, revealed Mr Darron Whitehead, defending, who added:

"He got incredibly drunk, took cocaine and has little recollection of what happened next. We can offer no explanation for what happened next, just as we do not know where his wallet, shoes, socks, phone and keys are.

"Fortunately no weapon was found in those premises or on his person but he scared the living daylights out of the family who lived there. This was a bizarre offence which had serious consequences, not just for them, but also for him."

Mainland, aged 26, wrote in a letter referred to in court: "I want to express my deep sorrow for the family I have hurt. I did not set out that night to hurt or frighten anyone. I blacked out with the alcohol. I don't want to go to jail but I deserve to. I am shocked and disgusted with myself." He is now trying to stay drug free and sober.

The defendant from Bentley Drive, Codsall, who had previous convictions, admitted burglary with intent to inflict grievous bodily harm and was jailed for two years eight months.

Judge Amjad Nawaz commented: "I hope that over time the family will feel at ease in their accommodation and not jump at any unexpected sound in the night."

Miss Jones said later: "I thought it was a madman who was going to kill us. I still get anxiety and panic attacks and wake at the slightest noise. Our son has nightmares about what happened."